Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Betty and Her Beautiful Fur

Betty and Her Beautiful Fur

In the forest was a very beautiful puppy. Her name was Betty. The beauty of the puppy was very well-known by whole of the forest. He became very famous because he had long and beautiful fur. Betty was very zealous to take care of her lovely fur. Almost everyday he cleaned and washed her fur to make her fur become very soft and white.
Unexpectedly, her beauty made Betty become a snob puppy. He was just playing with beauty and handsome dogs. He did not want to play with the uninteresting dogs. Betty did not that many of her friends hated her. Betty just felt that most of the dogs admired her.
One day, Betty was walking in the middle of the forest. In her journey, she saw an injured old dog. In every of his step would always expel the spotted of the blood. The blood was scattered in every of her footprint. Betty did want her beauty fur become dirty and crumpled, so she let the old dog walking himself.
“Hi young dog, would you please to help me to take me home. I could not walk anymore.” The old dog said.
Although Betty was listening to the old dog, Betty pretended to become deaf. She did not pay attention to the old dog. And even Betty said, “I am sorry Sir, I will play together with my beauty and handsome friends. I did not want my fur become scattered and dirty. It would be better if you waited for the other people. I am sure that someone will pass this way.”
After hearing Betty’s words, the old dog became so angry. But the old dog was trying to make himself calm, because It was available for him to against. The old dog looked so grudge.
The old dog was called as Freon. Freon was a member of naughty dog group. Betty actually recognized the old dog. But the body of the dog was smeared by mud and Betty was not paying attention too much about him, so she did not know that the dirty dog was Freon. Betty’s treatment to Freon made Freon became so and so grudge. Freon told Betty’s way of treating him to Freon’s friends in the naughty dog group. Freon’s friends became so angry with Betty after hearing Freon’s story. They had a plan to revenge what Betty did, in order to make him regretful.
On night, Betty slept on her bed. He could not be awakening by anything or anyone, when he was sleeping tightly. At that time, Freon and her friends started to do their revenge attack. Silently, Freon and his friends were burning Betty’s house. After burning a part of Betty’s house, Freon’s group was leaving Betty’s house. Betty did not realize about the flame of the fire in the part of her house. Betty awakened from his slumber when she was hearing the voice of dog barking,
Betty was directly awakened from her slumber and trying to get up. At that time Betty was shouting immediately to ask some help, “Help...Help... My house was burned. Hurry up.... Put it out!”
Then Betty’s shouting was responded by the other dogs from the outside of the house, “It is impossible Betty, the fire is too large. We have tried to put it out. It would be better if you are out from the window. We have ready to help you here. We have prepared much water to flush your body if your fur was burned.”
“What kind of water you will use?” Betty asked.
“River water!” he said.
“What? You asked me to come out with the burned fur, and then you will flush me with the river water? It was impossible.... I will not let my beautiful fur burned; moreover it is flushed by sewer water! It would be better for you to flush my house to put the fire out, and or you find clean water which is poured by seven kinds of flowers, and I will go out.” Betty said conceitedly.
Betty’s friends in the outside of the house was immediately flushing whole of the water on hand to Betty’s house. But all of the effort was useless, because the fire was quenchless, and even the fire was bigger. In fact, the water flushing which was done by Betty’s friends could not make the fire extinguished.
A minute later, heard the sound of dropped thing loudly. Unexpectedly, Betty’s house was fallen out. Not long time after Betty’s house was fallen out, Betty’s barking could not be heard anymore. Betty’s friends were so sad, because their effort was meaningless. Betty’s effort to defend her beautiful fur, made her soul lost.

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